Sunday, May 10, 2015


Being a reader means that you view the world differently and sometimes your friends and family just don't get it. If you are a reader then you understand my pain. I can't even begin to tell you how many times some of my closest friends have said the dreaded words..."It's not real." Well obviously that doesn't go over well and I have to sit there for a second and think 'they just don't get it'. They never will...but that's ok.

You see goodreads has created a world where readers and authors can go to get away from all of the non-believers. The people who stare at words on a page and all they see is well... words. They make it possible for readers to interact and discuss their favorite books, make wish lists for what to read next, etc. It is a site that has come a long way to make a community for readers.

I would highly suggest looking into it if you are an avid reader who has no one who cares to listen to you talk about your favorite books. This is what being a reader is all about. The community, the world the books create, and the stories being told. So take advantage of this site and see what you can find. If you love to read and need a place to get recommendations, become part of a community, and just immerse yourself into the world of books goodreads is the way to go.

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